The Elite are all about transcendence, and living forever, and the secrets of the Universe and they wanna know all of this, some are good, some are bad, some are a mix. But the good ones don't ever want to organise, the bad ones organised because they want a separate power. Powerful consciousnesses don't want to control other people, they want to empower them so they don't tend to get together until really late in the the game, then they come together so evil is always defeated, so good is so much stronger and we're on this planet, and Einstein's physics showed it, Max Planck's physics showed it: there's at least 12 dimensions, and all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out, saying it's a false hologram. It is artificial; the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected, and gravity is bleeding into this universe - that's what they call dark matter - so we are like a thought or a dream that's a wisp in some computer program, some God's mind or whatever. They're proving this, its all coming it.
Now, There is this "Sub-transmission Zone" below the third dimension which is turned over to the most horrible things - that's what it resonates to - and it's trying to get up into the third dimension (that's just a basic level consciousness, to launch into the next levels.) And our species is already way up at the fifth/sixth dimension consciousnally [SIC] (our best people). But there's this war, trying to basically destroy Humanity, because Humanity has free will. And there's a decision - which level we want to go to. We have free will, so Evil is allowed to come and contend (and not just good). And the Elites themselves believe they are racing, using human technology, to try to take our best minds and build some type of breakaway civilization, where they are going to merge with machines, transcend and break away from the 'failed species' that is Man. Which is kind of like a false transmission because they're thinking what they are is ugly and bad, instead of believing "no, it's a human test about building us up."
Google believes the first AI will be a supercomputer based on the neuron activity of the 'hive-mind' of humanity, with billions of people wired into the 'Internet of Things.' And so all of our thoughts go into it, and we are actually building a computer that has real neurons, in real time, that is also psychically connected to us that are organic creatures. So that they will have current prediction powers, future prediction powers, a true 'crystal ball.' But the big secret is, once you have the 'crystal ball' and know the future, you can add stimuli beforehand and make decisions that control the future. And so then it's the end of consciousness and free will for individuals as we know it, and a true "2.0" in a very bad way. Hive-mind consciousness with an AI jacked into everyone, knowing our hopes and dreams, delivering it to us - not into some "P.K.D. Wire-head System" where we plug in and give up on consciousness because of unlimited pleasure - but because we were already wired in and absorbed before we knew it, by giving over our consciousness to this system by our daily decisions that it was able to manipulate and control into a larger system. There's now a human counter strike taking place, to shut this off before it gets fully into place, and to block these systems, and to have an actual debate about where humanity goes, and cut off the pedophiles and psychic vampries that are in control of this AI system, before humanity is destroyed.
The Devil, whatever you want to call this interdimensional thing that gives them advanced off-world technology, The Fallen One that's not of this world, is giving them advanced knowledge on how to construct these systems that have already been used before on other populations. That's Satan. That's Satan because, the stupid preacher, who's totally controlled or something you read about in the news or TV: this is an interdimensional force that wants to influence us to build something that absorbs us and kills us, rather than the Divine free will we are given to build something much better that empowers the species. So the species is now making a decision about its entire future.
I think I got the coolest username. Will I get to keep it on as well?
I was walking into my dad's garage today, and a wasp flew onto the back on my neck and stung me. I looked up and there was a wasp's nest forming right above the door. Guess with the dry weather, they didn't even need real shelter. I was angry, and I had to get into the garage, so I went and got a can of poison spray and murdered the entire nest, then I waited until the other wasps returned to the nest and killed them as they arrived.
Which got me to thinking, I guess the wasp that stung me really had a point, I was exactly as bad as he thought.
I tried to make "Z0rbaTHut" and the UI blocked me, but when I modified the request and forced it to sign up anyway, the account got made.
Unfortunately I lost the original web requests showing that "Z0rbaTHut" was not allowed so I am not 100% sure I found an explicit bug. (But maybe an implicit bug in that we should discourage homographic attacks?)

republicans: hey maybe we should lower taxes and stimulate growth?
democrats: no i want to kill children, and i want you to pay for it