@TheDag's banner p




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joined 2022 September 02 13:55:38 UTC


User ID: 203



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 02 13:55:38 UTC


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User ID: 203

I just posted 3 threads in about 5 minutes, this could potentially be very problematic if someone tries to troll the site

I'm not sure if this is true for anyone else, but 1 of the reasons I have not posted much on the subreddit is that I didn't want to open my account up to bands or scrutiny from the admin. Now that we are fooling switching over I feel much more comfortable posting.

Does anyone else feel the same way?


Not sure it this has been discussed but I notice that the sub uses the remind me bot quite a bit - since we do more 'bets' than most sub cultures would it make sense to implement something similar here? Or even a public, explicit bet mechanism?


Pants Play it's me I'm the best How's it going better than the rest Oh yeahme

Enjoy the change over folks